Golf Carts and Dance Parties
Playful Photography for Extended Family Sessions

What About an Extended Family Session?

My photography celebrates playful and untamed families no matter the size. The family you've created, no matter how it looks, comes alive when you're not viewing the world through a screen or a pane of glass, but up close. My style of family photography doesn’t revolve around curating perfectly posed shots, because I believe the beauty lies in the messy details of our everyday connections.

An extended family session, just like all my sessions break away from the norm. It's not your typical stiff and rushed family photo shoot. Leading up to your session, we'll brainstorm some enjoyable and playful activities. Then, I'll blend in with your family as you interact naturally, capturing genuine moments. While I may snap a few "semi-posed" shots, these will be brief and relaxed, allowing everyone to feel at ease.

This family shared with me how much they love playing games, riding the golf  cart and having dance parties in the yard. We spent a couple hours together capturing them in their element.

A Few Semi-Posed Family Photos

Not ready to get in touch but would like more info?

Download my Client Guide,  which includes details about what to expect in a session with me and the full pricing information.

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